Legacy Circle Stories: An Interview with Karen Burch

Could you tell us a bit about your relationship with Phoenix Theatre?

I occasionally attended performances at the Phoenix on Park Avenue in its early years. Beginning in 2008, I became a volunteer, helping prepare mailings, making phone calls promoting each new play, and ushering. From that time forward, I missed only a few productions. I especially enjoy Phoenix Theatre offerings because they are issue-based and thought-provoking. I always look forward to the annual A Very Phoenix Xmas, as well as the premiers of new plays. Theater provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in experiences beyond one’s everyday life. Sometimes it is pure entertainment, other times it invokes empathy, shock, or even anger. Always it is invigorating.

What made you decide to include the Phoenix in your estate plans?

I decided to include the Phoenix Theatre and Culture Centre in my estate plan because I am impressed with its expanded role in the community and its efforts to promote inclusivity. In my opinion, the leadership of the Phoenix has a proven to be good stewards of the resources they are provided.

What do you hope will be the legacy of your gift?

Financial viability is a challenge for all arts and cultural entities, and I want to play a small role in providing a stable future for the Phoenix.

What would you say to other donors considering making a planned gift to the Phoenix?

I encourage all donors to consider extending their support beyond their lifetime.

To learn more about planned giving at the Phoenix, visit our Legacy Circle page.


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