The Taylor Family Foundation Matches New and Increased Gifts to the Year-End Campaign

An interview with Janet and Bill Taylor

How long have you been associated with the Phoenix, and do you remember the first show you saw?

While I saved programs from every show we’ve ever seen, they are boxed up somewhere in my basement, so I’ll just say “sometime in the early 1990's.” Both of my daughters got involved a long time ago and we’ve been coming ever since. Bill's and my job was to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!!!...and be chauffeurs!!

Tell us how your daughters were involved with the Phoenix.

My youngest daughter, Paula, was in The Good Times Are Killing Me in fall of 1993 when she was in 6th grade, and Phebe’s first show was Boston Marriage in 2003. Phoebe graduated from college in 2002 and moved to New York that summer, but she always liked to come back to Indianapolis to perform and has done so often.

I guess some of my favorite plays of Phebe’s at the Phoenix include Urinetown, Zippers of Zoomerville, End Days, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, Peter and the Starcatcher, and some X-Mas Shows. She was lucky enough to work with so many great people, as did Paula. Bryan Fonseca was a tremendous mentor to both of them!

Why did you decide to make the matching gift to the 2022 year-end appeal?

Bill and I believe that the Phoenix has done a good job expanding as a cultural center and providing for other groups to use the facility. At first, we weren't sure about expanding when the pandemic started, but it has worked because of your devotion to the arts in uncertain times and your hard work—your success may come with inclusion of so many groups. Not to mention, the apparent positive, happy, and hopeful personalities of the people who work there!


Kairon Bullock


Meet Allen Sledge — Meisner Acting Technique Student and Phoenix Scholarship Recipient