Meet Scott Reef, former Phoenix board member and current Artistic Sponsor

What have been some of your favorite Phoenix productions over the years?

I have been seeing shows at the Phoenix since the 1990’s and they have all been so amazing that it is really difficult to narrow down favorites. Some that have really stood out are Beautiful Thing, The Pillowman, Fun Home, Bright Star and Tick, Tick…BOOM! (and any show that Dos Fallopia performed).

What years did you serve on the Phoenix board, and why did you decide to join?

I was lucky enough to serve on the Board of the Phoenix for 9 years, from 2012-2021. I joined because Keith Norwalk, a long-time member, asked me to be a part of this fabulous group. The Phoenix has always been willing to do shows that no other theaters in the Indianapolis area were producing, and I was thrilled to support these endeavors by becoming a member of the Board.

Why did you choose to sponsor Ben Asaykwee in Prozack the Sad Elf?

Ben is a genius! How many other artists can write scripts, music, lyrics, act, and produce? Every show he does is brilliant.

Do you have any words of advice for other donors considering an Artistic Sponsorship?

Just do it. It is such a great feeling to know that you are supporting an individual working in the Arts in Indianapolis. Everyone involved in each production at the Phoenix (directors, actors, choreographers, lighting and costume designers, and everyone else) deserves a sponsorship to let them know they are appreciated. Kathy is always happy to provide you with a potential sponsorship list.


Meet Allen Sledge — Meisner Acting Technique Student and Phoenix Scholarship Recipient